Dr. Eric Mworia

Email: emworia@must.ac.ke

Tel: (Univerisity Ext. 167)

Dr. Mworia is a Lecturer in Department of Agriculture in Meru University of Science and Technology. He is a horticulturist by profession specializing in Postharvest Handling, Management and Technology. He has interest in Pomology, Crop Production and Protection, Food Security and Nutrition and Biotechnology. Among others he teaches Food Security and Agriculture, Plant Propagation, Postharvest Physiology and Technology and Plant Biotechnology and Food Biosafety. In addition, he guides student through project proposal development, research project, data collection, analysis and reports. He is a member of postgraduate board at the department and school. Currently he is also supervising students taking Masters and Doctorates programs in the Department of Agriculture.


Research profile