Purpose of the Course
To provide knowledge to learners on identification, properties, synthesis and reactions of organic compounds.
At the end of the course, the learner should be able to:
- Describe the electronic structure of carbon.
- Identify organic compounds
- Give the structures and properties of key organic compounds
- Carry out simple reactions involving organic compounds
Course Content
An introduction to general chemistry: functional groups, electronic structure of carbon, bonding and hybridization in alkenes. Isomerism stereochemistry and structural properties, synthesis, reactions of alkanals, alkanones, carboxylic acids and derivatives. Amines: simple mechanisms and use of curly arrow and carbocations. An introduction to nomenclature of organic compounds: aromatic compounds and features possessed by compounds displaying aromatic character. Mechanism of electrophilic substitution: directing effects of a group to an incoming second group of an aromatic ring. Practicals to demonstrate properties, reactions, synthesis, and identification of unknown organic compounds.