Philosophy of the Program

The Ph.D. program in Agriculture will equip individuals with research skills necessary in identifying and solving agriculture related problems.


Why a Ph.D. in Agriculture?

Agriculture is a pillar of vision 2030 that aims at transforming Kenya into a middle-level industrialized economy. This program will produce graduates with specialized skills and knowledge to contribute effectively to agriculture and agricultural development.  It will also provide a highly skilled human resource required in solving current and emerging challenges in agriculture.


Career prospects

The program will create an advanced human resource to meet the needs of the upcoming and growing agricultural research and training institutions.


Why Ph.D. in Agriculture at Meru University of Science and Technology (MUST)?

The University is located in Meru County that is one of the hubs of agricultural production with favorable agro-ecological conditions that supports diverse forms of agricultural production.

A candidate wishing to be admitted to the Ph.D. in Agriculture program of the School of Agriculture and Food Sciences must hold a Master of Science degree in Agriculture, Horticulture, Crop Science, Plant Biotechnology, Botany, Forestry or related disciplines from an institution(s) accredited by CUE.

Duration: 3 years

Mode of Study: Fulltime/Part-time/Weekend

Campus: Main Campus (Nchiru)

Tuition fees per semester: Ksh. 105,000

Regulations on Credit Transfers

No credit transfer shall be given to a candidate wishing to join a Ph.D. in Agriculture program.

What Will I Study?


  Year 1
  Semester 1
 Code Course Title
AAA 6100 Research Project and Seminars: Research (210 CH), Consultation (120 CH),  2 Seminars per semester (120 CH), each contributing 60 CH) and report (60 CH)
AAA 6101 Research Methodology
SMF 6100 Biostatistics and Data Analysis
  Semester 2
AAA 6150 Research Project and Seminars: Research (240 CH), Consultation (120 CH),  3 Seminars per semester (180 CH), each contributing 60 CH) and report (60 CH)


  Year 2
  Semester 1
 Code Course Title
AAA 6200 Research Project and Seminars: Research (240 CH), Consultation (120 CH),  3 Seminars per semester (180 CH), each contributing 60 CH) and report (60 CH)
  Semester 2
AAA 6250 Research Project and Seminars: Research (240 CH), Consultation (120 CH),  3 Seminars per semester (180 CH), each contributing 60 CH) and report (60 CH)


  Year 3
  Semester 1
 Code Course Title
AAA 6300 Research Project and Seminars: Research (240 CH), Consultation (120 CH),  3 Seminars per semester (180 CH), each contributing 60 CH) and report (60 CH)
  Semester 2
AAA 6350 Research Project and Seminars: Research (240 CH), Consultation (120 CH),  3 Seminars per semester (180 CH), each contributing 60 CH) and report (60 CH)


* Research Project and Seminars

Learners will select subjects in agriculture and related fields that are in line with their research interests. Under supervision, the learners will critically undertake a literature review, conceptualize their research problems, prepare an appropriate research plan, prepare and make presentations, and respond to questions in an interactive environment. Learners will also be introduced to advanced scientific research; conceptualization and identification of research problems; development, planning, and management of experimental research project; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of research data in a scientific manner; publication of scientific research work; Presentation of research work in seminars and scientific conferences


The Ph.D. in Agricultural Science shall be awarded to a candidate who has met the following requirements:

  1. Passed all the required taught courses and research project and seminar requirements.
  2. Published two (2) papers of research work in a peer-refereed journal
  3. Attended at least three (3) scientific conferences during the Ph.D. program
  4. Undertaken final oral Presentation of the Ph.D. research work before a panel for evaluation and pass.

Submitted corrected final thesis to the Board of Postgraduate Studies

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P.O Box ,972-60200 Meru Kenya


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