Dr. Mariga Alfred Mugambi BSc. (Food Science and Technology, Egerton University), Cert. (Dairy Technology, University of Ghent, Belgium), MSc. (Nutritional Sciences, Egerton University), Ph.D (Food Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural University, China).

POSITION: Senior Lecturer in Food Chemistry



  1. Mariga, A. M., Shitandi, A. S., & Tuitoek, P. J. (2011). Isolation and testing the cholesterol reduction ability (in vitro) of Lactococcus lactis from fermented smooth pigweed (Amaranthus hybridus) leaves. African Journal of Food Agriculture Nutrition and Development, 11(3), 4847-4866.
  2. Mariga, A. M., Pei, F., Yang, W.-j., Zhao,-y., Shao, Y.-n., Mugambi, D. K., & Hu, Q.-h. (2014). Immunopotentiation of Pleurotus eryngii (DC. ex Fr.) Quel. Journal of Ethnopharmacology.153: 604-614. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jep.2014.03.006.
  1. Mariga, A. M., Yang, W.-j., Mugambi, D.K., Pei, F., Zhao,-y., Shao, Y.-n., & Hu, Q.-h. (2014). Antiproliferative and immunostimulatory activity of a protein from Pleurotus eryngii. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. doi: 10.1002/jsfa.6665
  2. Pei, F., Shi, Y., Mariga, A. M., Yang, W.-j., Tang, X.-z., Zhao, L.-y., An, X-x., & Hu, Q.-h. (2013). Comparison of Freeze-Drying and Freeze-Drying Combined with Microwave Vacuum Drying Methods on Drying Kinetics and Rehydration Characteristics of Button Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) Slices. Food and Bioprocess Technology. doi: 1007/s11947-013-1199-0
  3. Pei, F., Yang, W.-j., Shi, Y., Sun, Y., Mariga, A. M., Zhao, L.-y., Fang, Y., Ma, N., An, X.-x., & Hu, Q.-h. (2013). Comparison of Freeze-Drying with Three Different Combinations of Drying Methods and Their Influence on Colour, Texture, Microstructure and Nutrient Retention of Button Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) Slices. Food and Bioprocess Technology. doi: 1007/s11947-013-1058-z
  4. Sun,Y., Ma, Y.-y., XU, Z.-h., Yang, W.-j., Mariga, A. M., Pang, G.-c., Geng, C.-y., & Hu, Q.-h. (2013). Immunoregulatory effects of superfine powder of Pleurotus eryngii (DC. ex Fr.) Quel. Food and Agricultural Immunology. doi:1080/09540105.2013.858662
  5. Sun, Y., Shao, Y., Zhang, Z., Wang, L., Mariga, A. M., Pang, G., Geng, C.-y., Ho, C.-t., & Hu, Q-h. (2014). Regulation of human cytokines by Cordyceps militaris. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis. doi: 1016/j.jfda.2014.01.025
  6. Hu, Q.-h., Sun, X.-y., Yang, W.-j., Ma, Fang, Y., Ma, N., Xin, Z.-h, Fu, J., Liu, X.-c., Liu, M., Mariga, A.M.,& Zhu, X.-f. (2014). Concentrations and health risks of lead, cadmium, arsenic, and mercury in rice and edible mushrooms in China. Food Chemistry, 147, 147-151. doi: 1016/j.foodchem.2013.09.116
  7. Pei, F., Gao, X.-y., Shi, Y., Wu, F.-n., Mariga, A. M., Zhao, L.-y., & Hu, Q.-h. (2014) Non-volatile taste components of button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) slices dehydrated at different stages of freeze drying and freeze drying combined with microwave vacuum drying. Food Chemistry, 165 547-454.doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.05.130
  8. Ma, G.-x,Yang, W.-j., Mariga, A. M., Fang, Y., Ma, N. Pei, F., & Hu, Q-h. (2014). Purification, characterization and antitumor activity of polysaccharides from the residue of Pleurotus eryngii. Carbohydrate polymers. DOI: 1016/j.carbpol.2014.07.069
  9. Liu, F., Pei, F., Mariga, A. M., Gao, L., Chen, G.-t., & Zhao, L.-y. (2015) Separation and speciation analysis of zinc from Flammulina velutipes. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis.xxx; 1-6. doi:10.1016/j.jfda.2014.06.008
  10. Yang, W.-j, Yu, J., Mariga, A. M., Ma, N, Pei, F., Sun, G-j., & Hu Q.-h. (2015). Polysaccharides from Flammulina velutipes improved scopolamine-induced impairment of learning and memory of rats. Journal of Functional Foods 18; 411–422. doi 1016/j.jff.2015.08.003
  11. Nyabuto D. K., Cao K., Mariga A. M., Kibue G. W., & Wang C-h. (2015) Growth performance and biochemical analysis of the genus Spirulina under different physical and chemical environmental factors. African Journal of Agricultural Research,10(10), xx-xx. doi: 5897/AJAR2015.10210
  12. Fang, D-l, Yang, W-j, Kimatu, B.M., Mariga, A. M., Zhao, L-y, An, X-x., & Hu, Q-h. (2015) Effect of nanocomposite-based packaging on storage stability of mushrooms (Flammulina velutipes).Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies. DOI:1016/j.ifset.2015.11.016
  13. Yang, W-j., Yu J., Mariga, A. M., Ma, N., Fang, Y., Pei, F., & Hu Q-h. (2015). Effect of Hot Air Drying on Volatile Components of Flammulina velutipes Detected by HS-SPME-GC-MS and Electronic Nose. Food Chemistry196, 860–866. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.09.097
  14. Wang, F., Hu, Q-h., Mariga, A. , Cao, C-j., & Yang. W-j (2017). Effect of the Nano packaging on preservation quality of Nanjing 9108 rice variety at high temperature and humidity. Food Chemistry. 239, 23-31. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2017.06.082.
  15. Yang, W-j, Du, H-j, Mariga, A. M., Pei, F., Ma, N., & Hu, Q-h (2017). Hot air drying process promotes lignification of Lentinus edodes. LWT – Food Science and Technology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2017.06.039
  16. Li, H-p., Yang, W-j., Qu, S-x., Pei, F., Luo, X., Mariga, A. M., & Ma, L. (2017). Variation of volatile terpenes in the edible fungi mycelia Flammulina velutipes and communications in fungus-mite interactions. Food Research International. doi:1016/j.foodres.2017.10.031.
  17. Shi, Chong, Hu, Q-h., Fang, Y., Pei F., Mariga, A. & Yang, W-j. (2017). Effect of nanocomposite packaging on postharvest senescence of Flammulina velutipes. Food Chemistry 20; 246: 414-421. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2017.10.103
  18. Wang, L-q., Hu, Q-h., Pei, F., Mariga, A. M. & Yang, W-j., (2018). Influence of different storage conditions on physical and sensory properties of freeze-dried Agaricus bisporus LWT – Food Science and Technology 97: 64–171. 10.1016/j.lwt.2018.06.052
  19. Wu, Y., Hu, Q-h., Li, Z., Pei, F., Mariga, A. M, & Yang, W. (2018). Effect of nanocomposite based packaging on microstructure and energy metabolism of Agaricus bisporus. Food Chemistry.doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2018.10.088.
  1. Yang, W-j., Shi C., Hu, Q., Wu, Y., Fang, D-l., Pei, F., & Mariga, A. M. (2019). Nanocomposite packaging regulate respiration and energy metabolism in Flammulina velutipes. Journal of Postharvest Biology and Technology. 151: 119–126. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.postharvbio.2019.02.003.
  2. Yang, W-j., Wang, L-q., Hu, Q., Wu, Y., Pei, F., & Mariga, A. M. (2019). Identification of bacterial composition in freeze dried Agaricus bisporus during storage and resultant odour deterioration. Frontiers in microbiology. DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.00349.
  3. Wu, Y-y., Hu, Q-h., Pei, F., Mariga, A. M. & Yang, W-j. (2019) Methyl jasmonate improves the storage quality of Agaricus bisporus. LWT – Food Science and Technology. DOI: 1016/j.lwt.2019.02.069.
  4. Pei, F., Xiao K-p., Chen, L., Yang, W-j., Zhao L-y., Fang, Y., Ma, N., Mariga, A.M. & Hu, Q. H. (2019). Mass transfer characteristics during ultrasound-assisted osmotic dehydration of button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) J Food Sci Technol. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13197-019-03707-8.
  5. Wu, Y-y., Hu, Q-h., Mariga, A. M., Pei, F. and Yang W-j., (2019). UHPLC-Q-TOF/MS based metabolomics reveals the mechanism of MeJA in delaying the deterioration of Agaricus bisporus. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.9b02872
  6. Pu, H-l, Hu, Q-h, Wang, L-q, Pei,, Mariga, A. M., Yang, W-j (2019). Exogenous bacterial composition changes dominate flavor deterioration of dried carrots during storage. Food and Chemical Toxicology (134)110833. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fct.2019.110833
  7. Yang W-j., Shi, C., Wu, Y-y., Fang D., Pei, F., Ma, N., Mariga, A. M. & Hu, Q (2019). Nanocomposite packaging regulates extracellular ATP and programed cell death in Flammulina velutipes. Food Chemistry. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2019.125702
  8. Yang W-j., Wang, F., Pei, F., Mariga, A. M. & Hu, Q-h. (2019). Effect of nano packaging on cooking properties and in vitro digestibility of Nanjing 9108 rice. Journal of Food Science and Technology. Under review.
  9. Mariga, A. M., Pei, F., Yang W.-j. & Hu Q-h. (2019). Antimicrobial activity of Pleurotus eryngii protein. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. Under review.
  10. Mariga, A. M., Yuan, B., Yang, W-j., Pei, F., Zhao, L-y., & Hu, Q-h. (2019). Antioxidant activity of Pleurotus eryngii (DC. ex Fr.) Quel. Food Research International. Under review.
  11. Wang, L-q., Hu, Q-h., Pei, F., Mariga, A. M., Yang, W-j., (2019) Identification and detection of fungal growth on freeze-dried Agaricus bisporus using spectrum and olfactory sensor. Frontiers in microbiology. Under review.
  12. Mariga A.M. (2018). Pleurotus mushroom: a possible anticancer agent. .Journal of Ethnopharmacology. Under review.
  13. Yang, W-j., Wang, F., Pei, F., Ma, N., Mariga, A. M. & Hu Q-h. (2018). Effect of Heat Treatment on the Structure and Nutritional Properties of Egg Albumen. Food Chemistry. Under review.
  14. Hu, Y., Hu Q-h., Su A-x., Ma, G-x., Mariga, A. M., and Yang, W-j. (2019). Isolation, characterization and HepG-2 inhibition of a novel proteoglycan from Flammulina velutipes. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. Under review.
  15. Pu, H-l., Hu Q-h., Su A-x., Mariga, A. M., and Yang, W-j. (2019). Effect of different aw storage conditions on quality deteriorations of dried cabbages. Food Control. Under review.
  16. Yang W-j., Wang, F., Pei, F., Mariga, A. M. & Hu, Q-h. (2019). Effect of bound water on the quality of dried Lentinus edodes during storage. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.1021038. Wang, L-q., Hu, Q-h., Pei, F., Mariga, A. M., Yang, W-j., (2019) Identification and detection of fungal growth on freeze-dried Agaricus bisporus using spectrum and olfactory sensor. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture,doi: 10.1002/jsfa.10348
  17. Wang, L-q., Hu, Q-h., Pei, F., Mariga, A. M., Yang, W-j., (2020) Identification and detection of fungal growth on freeze-dried Agaricus bisporus using spectrum and olfactory sensor. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.10348.
  18. Zuo, C-z., Hu, Q-h., Su, A-x., Xu, H., Mariga, A. M. & Yang, W-j (2020). Nanocomposite packaging delays lignification of Flammulina velutipes by regulating phenylpropanoid pathway and mitochondrial reactive oxygen species metabolisms. Journal of Postharvest Biology and Technology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.postharvbio.2020.111360
  19. Yu, Y-h., Hu, Q-h., Liu, J-h.,  Su, A-x.,  Xu, , Li, X-t., Huang, Q-r.,   Zhou, J-l., Mariga, A. M., and  Yang W-j. (2021). Isolation, purification and identification of immunologically active peptides from Hericium erinaceus. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fct.2021.112111.
  20. Xu, H., Hu, Y., Hu, Q-h., Liu, J-h., Su, A-x., Xie, M-h., Ma, G-x., Pei, F., Mariga, A.M. and Yang, W-j. (2021). Isolation, characterization and HepG-2 inhibition of a novel proteoglycan from Flammulina velutipes. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 189: 11-17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2021.08.086
  21. Zuo, C-h., Hu, Q-h., Su, A-x., Pei, F., Ma, G-x., Xu, H., Xie, M-h., Liu, J-h., Mariga, A. M. and Yang W-j. (2021). Transcriptome analysis reveals the underlying mechanism of nanocomposite packaging in delaying quality deterioration of Flammulina velutipes. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 183:111723. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.postharvbio.2021.111723
  22. Pu, H-l, Hu, Q-h, Wang, L-q, Pei, F., Mariga, A. M. and Yang, W-j (2022). Effects of Aw Storage Condition on Quality Deterioration of Dried Cabbages Journal of Food Processing and Preservation DOI: 10.1111/jfpp.16466
  23. Pei, F., Han, P., Zhou, Z-c., Fang D-l., Mariga, A. M.,  Yang, W-j., Ma, N. and Hu, Q-h. (2022). The characteristics of the film assembled by caffeic acid-grafted-chitosan/polylactic acid and its effect on the postharvest quality of Agaricus bisporus. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fpsl.2022.100828
  24.  Ma, Q., Xu, Y-q., Xiao, H., Mariga, A. M., Chen, Y-p., Zhang, X-c., Wang, L., Li, D., Li, L. and Luo, Z-s. (2022). Rethinking of botanical volatile organic compounds applied in food preservation: Challenges in acquisition, application, microbial inhibition and stimulation. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 10.1016/j.tifs.2022.05.007
  25. Du, Y-f., Li, W., Mariga, A. M., Fang, Y., Sun, X-y., Hu, Q-h. and Pei, F. (2022). Effect of Auricularia auricula polysaccharide on characteristic structure, rheological properties, and tensile texture in whole wheat dough. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation https://doi.org/10.1111/jfpp.17068


 Yang, W-j, Li, D. & Mariga, A. M. (2017). Spoilage microorganisms in cereal product. In Food Spoilage Microorganisms: Ecology and Control. Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis. ISBN:  K26897 / 9781498744584.



  1. Mariga, A. M. (2016). Pleurotus Mushroom: A Possible Anticancer Agent. A paper presented atThe Horticultural Association of Kenya (HAK) 16th Workshop on Sustainable Horticultural Production in the Tropics, held at Chuka University, 28th November to 2nd December 2016.
  2. Mariga, A. M., Yang, W.-j., Mugambi, D.K., Pei, F., Zhao,-y., Shao, Y.-n. & Hu, Q.-h. (2016). Antiproliferative and immunostimulatory activity of a protein from Pleurotus eryngii. A paper presented in the Chuka University 3rdInternational Research Conference on26th to 28th October 2016
  3. Mariga, A. M., Pei, F., Yang, W.-j., Zhao,-y., Shao, Y.-n., Mugambi, D. K. & Hu, Q.-h. (2015). Immunopotentiation of Pleurotus eryngii (DC. ex Fr.) Quel. A paper presented in the Chuka University 2nd International Research Conference, held in ChukaChuka University, in September 2015
  4. Mariga, A. M. (2013) Extraction, purification, partial characterization and antitumor activity of Pleurotus eryngii (DC. ex Fr) Quel. A paper presented in the7th International Medicinal Mushroom Conference (IMMC7), held in Beijing, China on 29th – 29th August, 2013
  5. Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, September, 2015. Participated in a conference on the role of legumes in food and nutrition security.


  1. National Research Fund Infrastructure Project, October 2016

Appointed by the Chuka University Vice-Chancellor, I and eleven (11) other scientists developed a proposal on Chuka University’s need for infrastructure support and won (100 M).

  1. Egerton University Internal Research Fund, 2006

Developed an award (KES 0.2 M) winning research on; Isolation and testing the cholesterol reduction ability of Lactococcus lactis from fermented pigweed (Amaranthus hybridus).